Tag - Privacy

FaceApp is a Serious Threat to Privacy for Teens and Kids

FaceApp is a Serious Threat to Privacy for Teens and Kids

With every passing day, there are new tools, software, and apps for users. There was a time when TikTok got famous so instantly that no one could resist using this app, and it became viral all over the world. It seems that there is a new app that is making people go crazy after it. What is FaceApp? Many of you might have heard of and even used this new app which is called FaceApp. It is an artificial intelligence-based app [...]

The Laws and Ethics of Workplace Privacy and Employee Monitoring

The Laws and Ethics of Workplace Privacy and Employee Monitoring

The world is getting better with every passing day. People have new tech services, new apps and a lot of improved tools that are making things easy for anyone. This is what many people think and believe in. But have you ever asked people owning businesses what technology is leading and what kind of issues it is creating? Not many people talk about business security and workplace privacy issues. They are either ignorant of such issues or they have never [...]

Social Media is Disrupting The Live of Teenagers_

How Social Media is Disrupting the Live of Teenagers?

Social media was meant for connecting people and talk to each other. It was safe in the early years. But now we say, social sites are for dangerous activities and that is because of the unchecked use by people as well as teens. According to research, 92% American before the age of 2 have an online presence. The study also found that all parents share around 1000 images of a child before it turns 5. Many people use social sites [...]

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