Tag - reasons

Sexting is Naked Reality in Digital World

Sexting is Naked Reality in Digital World: What Parents can do?

More than 90% of teens now use phones, devices, and their tablets. The purpose of technology was to make human life easy and work simpler. But we see things getting out of our hands. People are misusing technology and devices, apps, and computers. Let it be teens, young children or adults- everyone has once used the internet and phone for unethical activities. But teens are the most affected when it comes to the internet and use of smartphones. Today, the [...]

Workplace Harassment: Why Women Don’t Speak Up?

A research done at the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that 98% of organizations have harassment policies at their workplace. Despite this, there has been an increase in harassment cases when it comes to women. Even recently, we have seen many celebrities and big guns speak out about the women harassment with a campaign METOO. However, not all or even majority of the women don’t speak about this. Reasons Why Women Don’t Speak Up? When it comes to the reasons, we have [...]

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