Tag - Workplace

Workplace Harassment: Why Women Don’t Speak Up?

A research done at the University of Missouri-Columbia shows that 98% of organizations have harassment policies at their workplace. Despite this, there has been an increase in harassment cases when it comes to women. Even recently, we have seen many celebrities and big guns speak out about the women harassment with a campaign METOO. However, not all or even majority of the women don’t speak about this. Reasons Why Women Don’t Speak Up? When it comes to the reasons, we have [...]

Employees Monitoring: A Trend or Essential?

Employees Monitoring: A Trend or Essential?

When employee monitoring was first brought to light, it is important for a lot of people including the employers were against it. They didn’t like the idea of keeping tabs on their workforce and they were right at that time. However, now that social media has become a huge phenomenon and people are spending a large chunk of their time on them, the effectiveness of work has slowed down significantly. Time wasting has become a huge problem in the [...]

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